Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Episode 296 – X-Men Evolution: Light-Flash

Episode 296: X-Men Evolution: Light-Flash

I keep telling you, if you go running by Wolf lake through Wolf forest in Wolf national park, that's going to happen

The fic begins, but it does not, for what is at the start is not the beginning, and the beginning is not at the start. The girl is there, and you do not understand. She is alone, and has powers, but they do not matter. There are more people, but some are not as there as the others. A question is asked; it has no answer and should not be there. Chapter has become a meaningless concept. We swim in a sea of words, unconnected and irrelevant. Nothing has happened, but the girl has ended and you do not understand.

Riffers: Dan, Maya Gold, Celena Harte and Tsuneo Tateo
Written by: Zogster

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